One of the first things people want to know is, “How much does it cost, and do I have to pay you in full before we file the case?”
To answer these questions, Mr. Holcomb will sit you down in the initial consultation and discuss your case in full detail. These appointments can take anywhere between a half hour to an hour, depending on the complexity. Regardless, at the end of this meeting, you will be given a total for the attorney fees, filing fees, and any other costs anticipated with your case. The manner in which the payment can be made will be discussed in the meeting. In most cases, we will file a case with only a portion of the total balance paid up front. The rest can be paid in affordable monthly payments in an amount that is previously agreed upon.
Lastly, a written proposal of representation will be either emailed or mailed to you shortly after the initial consultation. This written proposal will outline the type of bankruptcy filing we recommend, the issues in the case, and the total costs and manner of payment, so that there is no confusion about any of these issues.