Filing for Chapter Thirteen Bankruptcy in KC?

When filing for chapter thirteen bankruptcy in KC, you should be prepared. Know what you are walking into by reaching out to Holcomb Law Offices P.C. today!

Chapter Thirteen Bankruptcy in KCThe thought of filing for bankrupcy may be a hard thought to fully grasp. Many people associate filing for bankruptcy with failure to meet ends meet. Holcomb Law wants you to know that filing for chapter thirteen bankruptcy in KC does not make you a failure, it makes you a fighter. Chapter Thirteen Bankruptcy is when you make monthly payments to your creditors to finally pay off all of your debt.

Holcomb Law wants you to know that chapter thirteen bankruptcy in KC is not as scary as you think it may be.

Reach out to an experienced bankruptcy attorney at Holcomb Law today to help you determine if filing for chapter thirteen bankruptcy in KC is the right move for you and your financial situation.

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1201 NW Briarcliff Pkwy., 2nd Floor
Kansas City, MO 64116
Lee’s Summit
200 NE Missouri Rd. #200
Lee’s Summit, MO 64086
Lighton Tower
7500 College Blvd. 5th floor Ste. 500
Overland Park, KS 66210