This Spring season, make a commitment to yourself to seek guidance on how to finally pay off all of your Olathe debt! Holcomb Law offers your first legal consultation free of charge!
Debt is a scary topic that over half of Americans are batteling on a daily basis. If you are suck in a never ending fight against debt and crippling finances, bankrtuptcy may help. Bankruptcy may not be for everybody, but it has helping trillions of Americans just like yourself finally pay off their bad debt. Seeking help for your Olathe debt battle can be as easy as picking up the phone and calling a legal professional at Holcomb Law Offices P.C.
Holcomb Law has 26 years of experience standing next to clients fighting bankruptcy. There are two different Chapters of Bankruptcy that may fit for your unique situation. While Chapter 13 is designed for those who can afford monthly installments, Chapter 7 is designed for those who must liquidate their assests in order to pay off debt.